Monday 4 June 2012

Write a clear and detailed explanation on the water cycle

What is the water cycle?
Most of us may just think that rain just comes from the sky. But NO!!!!! 
It’s actually quite a complicated process to think about. But not to explain, the water cycle is a huge part of life that is all done behind the scenes, a lot of people didn’t even know that it existed.
The water cycle starts with a lake, puddle, river, stream, or even trees and leaves. Firstly the sun evaporates the water, turning it from a liquid to vapor into tiny little water droplets which repelled from the ground and taken in to the sky, then the droplets form clouds. Te droplets rises into the sky and reach a certain point of pressure, in which the water then stops rising, coming together, once again to form clouds. 
Another form of evaporation, which involves moisture on trees and leaves, being evaporated and extracted to form more clouds, this process is names transpiration.
Condensation is the next step in the water cycle, the step includes vapor or evaporation, it gets stuck, or trapped, half way through the process, say for instance the vapor was trapped inside, on the windows, or even when you are taking a shower, it changes back from a gas (vapor) to a liquid. Like in the shower when you get out, all of the steam that had come off of the hot water rises because it has been heated and when you turn off the shower it cools down, finds a place to rest, and turns back into a liquid.
The last step in the water cycle is precipitation, precipitation is when the vapour, which has formed the clouds, gets to heavy and eventually turns into rain. When the rain falls it falls on hills, mountains, lakes, streams. Place like that, the water runs off across the land it is called, surface run off, now that the water has run through the rivers and streams, it has ended back up into the sea and lakes, thats why they say that if you are lost you follow the river, because it will lead you to a sea. where the water cycle started started, this step is called accumulation. Accumulation is where the whole cycle starts, and it’s also where most of the evaporation comes from.
As you can see the process of rain is quite amazing. Now when it rains you will know how it happens, and what it’s been through.
By Jared and Frankie

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