Tuesday 20 November 2012

smoking should NOT be made illegal

Can you imagine you love lollies, but you couldn't help it, your addicted, and the all of a sudden just because some people don't like it, the government decide to ban it. I know i wouldn't like it, and neither should you. Can you imagine that, How HORRIBLE, not having another lolly ever again because non lolly-eaters don't like it. If the government does decided to ban cigarets. It will be a waste of money, it effort, and jobs. A ban of cigarets may lead to depression throughout New Zealand. Firstly I believe that we should NOT ban smoking because some people just simply enjoy it. They can't help it, they aren't worried about the affects it is causing the. Sure you see al of those people that have died due to smoking, but thats only because they have smoked a packet or more a day for nearly their whole life. Plus they only show you the worst of it so that people get disgusted and scared. The point of this piece of writing was to show you that New Zealander's should be able to make their own choices. Isn't that what we and the government want? Well I hope that you agree because i know that by agreeing with me you will be right.

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